General Questions about power levels:
Subject:          Re: AM6155/ 6154 help page..(Do you have experience?)


I have 500W out on 432 with 3 of these beasts that i have modified. The mods
are extensive and time consuming but have been well worth it for the cost. I
do not have any of this written down in a form that I would consider
presentable, but you could give my E-Mail address out if you wish.



From:             Christopher C. Hazlitt
Subject:          AM-6154/6155 Power output -

I had the following response to the question regarding how much power the 
old FAA ground to air AM-6155 and 6154 will do.

"Many people claim output powers of 550 to 600 watts on 144 or 222 MHz.
I've gotten 450 from one of mine on 432, and when the original 8930 is
replaced with a Svetlana 4CX400A, I saw 550 watts out of another one
that I modified for a friend (but we don't run it that hard because the
plate circuit, even modified, is horribly inefficient on 432 and blows
very easily above 450
watts or so)." 

I was impressed with the working knowledge that the guy who
wrote me on this had, I will forward the whole letter to anyone
who asks once I get the authors OK. I'm guessing the PA will
do this kind of power on a 50 percent duty cycle, but no more.

Please excuse the earlier remarks made by myself, they were in 
bad taste.

                       73  Chris

I am using the 8930 and driving it with 12 watts. The loading is at minum
which is hard on the tube. Remember this is very intermittent service.


Mine does 320W out with 10W of drive on 432 and running on 240VAC. 

You can get more on the wattmeter with more drive but those that claim
500W probably havent a clue as to what class AB1 is. 
I have to listen to many of those garbage signals up here. 

I did not do the conversion...bought it that way but have full docs. I
can send the docs over to you. 

GL   Carl   KM1H

I have two one on 2m one on 432. Our contest group has another on 222.
Thy work great I have complete documentation with mods etc. A gentleman
ham did the mods for me. Dut to time constraints and his past experience,
with these units.

I would be happy to provide you with info for your page . Let me know

73 Jeff N2JQR