Weather and solar conditions at the QTH
It has been a while, but
More content, stories and photos will be posted soon as I start to collect and add materials. Check the BLOG to see what I am up to.
Been having a great time out in Arizona getting radio active, doing a lot of portable operations with some of the local hams in the the local parks, EMCOM style deployments, SOTA, RV portable, and of course JT65/9 and FT8! What a fun mode! In the past year I have wrapped up WAS Mixed, WAS Digital on 20m, 40m, JT65 WAS endorsement on 20 / 40 and as of 9/10/17 – WAS FT8. 17m/30m are almost wrapped up as well – then I need to build bigger antennas to play on 60 & 80 meters until the sun cycle rolls around.
Not to mention the 2014 trip back to Maine to work with Steve, KD1O as W1AW during the W1AW event. That was a BLAST – and I will update the blog on that adventure at some point. (I still have to do this)
I am looking forward to convincing many of my ham friends from back east to join me out here for vacation. Great weather, great hiking and JA prefix DX all morning and evening long.
So, hold fast, sit back and relax. More to come soon. Might as well take this time and enjoy a coffee or two..

Enjoying a warm beverage in Flagstaff!
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